Thursday, June 24, 2010

Him and Her 7

4:00 AM!
It was like the alarm clock was screaming at me to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I would see Mayed's face in front of me, his gorgeous smile which made my heart ache now. I picked up my blackberry, added his pin and pressed send. I didn’t know if he would respond at this time and I had no rational explanation for why I was adding him, but I did. This was so out of character for me, I never did anything impulsively and I always put a million reasons to say no before one reason for saying yes. He accepted instantly.
Mayed: Halla Latifa
Latifa: Hi
M: About what you said, can you tell me who told you I'm engaged?
L: Is that what's important here? Who told me?
M: Yes because it's complicated and I want to know who wanted to hurt you.
L: It would only hurt if it was true.
M: So you care?
I sat there with tears running down my cheeks, I didn’t want to play mind games with him, and I wanted this issue to be over, one way or the other.
L: Yes I care.
M: My mother and sister want me to marry this girl from our family, and I always refused the idea when I was in the States but our family had some financial issues, which is why I'm back, and my family is putting some pressure on me to marry this girl so that her father would help with the family business.
L: So are you engaged?
M: No! That's why I want to know who told you. I told them my marriage wouldn’t be a business deal and I would marry the girl I love.
L: It doesn’t matter who told me, the important thing is that it's over.
M: No it isn’t over, Latifa I was thinking and I need to see you.
L: Why?
M: I need to discuss something with you face to face.

The next day, it took me a little longer getting ready for college, I hadn’t slept well after that conversation and I had butterflies in my stomach about meeting Mayed I was just putting on my abaya when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
It was my brother Faisal, who never came into my room.
"Latifa, we need to talk"
"Ok inshallah, but I'm getting ready for college"
"This is important, Latifa I heard there's something going on between you and Mayed, is it true?"
I didn’t know what to say, I felt trapped and started blushing.
"Latifa? Redy 3alaya"
"Were in the same study group, feeha shay?"
"La bas feeha shay youm el nas start talking about you"
"Really? And who would that be, your psycho fiancée"
"Latetkalemain 3anha!"
"Faisal inta i5ouy el 3oud ou I respect that but I won't have anyone spreading sick rumors about me"
I started to walk out of the room when he snatched the blackberry right out of my hand.
"We will discuss this later" he said as I rushed out, wishing I deleted the conversation with Mayed, but I knew I would have to face my brother when I got home.