Monday, December 21, 2009

Him and Her 3

My alarm was beeping, telling me it was time to wake up, but I wasn’t in the mood to face another horrible day in college. I felt jinxed after the awful day I had and I kept on dreaming of Him. Luckily after the falling into his lap incident he just stayed away from me. Actually I think it was more like he was avoiding me. Maha kept on making fun of me or just bursting into laughter whenever she saw my flushed face which wasn’t helpful but lightened the mood. Sara on the other hand was shooting me evil glares all day. I groaned and hid my face under the pillow, not ready to face all the drama.

I heard a knock on my door.

“Mnu?” I asked, lifting my head slightly from under the covers to peek at the door.

A hand was stretched into the room with a cup of starbucks, I recognized Maha’s neon pink nail polish.

“Am I forgiven for being such a horrible friend yesterday?” She asked with a huge grin on her face.
“Maybe, it depends on how many jokes you’re planning on making about the events that will be erased forever from my memory”
“Oh come on La6oof it wasn’t that bad”
I just raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ok so it was Bad, really bad but you just have to move on and be the better person. So what if he didn’t accept your apology and totally hates you now and you have to work together…”
“Mush chanech you’re not helping?” I asked.
“Ok sorry but at least I’m trying, unlike some people who just want to hide from the world!”
“Shu asawee I’m not used to such things happening to me” I said “and with Sara’s brother of all people, she already hates me”
“She doesn’t hate you she’s just a moody person”
“Allah y3een i5ouyah 3alaiha” I said.
“Haha a7is they deserve each other” Maha said, laughing.
She knew how my brother Faisal was my most controlling brother, unlike Nasser who was the most temperamental and Abdullah who was the closest to me in age and my favorite brother although he had a slight controlling streak. Faisal tried to control every aspect of my life from my education, friends, phone, internet and the list goes on and on but I didn’t blame him since he was the eldest and our mother depended on him to be the man of the house. I was hoping his marriage to Sara next year would take some of his unwanted attention away from me.

Luckily we didn’t have an early morning class today and we arrived just in time for our first class. Our teacher told us to divide into our groups so he could speak to us separately. As I got closer to Mayed he pushed his chair slightly back as if he didn’t want to sit close to me.
I was about to comment that I wasn’t planning on falling into his lap but I was controlling myself and trying to be the mature one.
I pulled my notes out of my bag and started writing some of the ideas I wanted to discuss with the teacher.
“Law sma7tee L6eefa I think I should be the one talking to the teacher, ya3nee if you have anything you want to discuss pass it by me and I will help you”
As if! The arrogance!
I just smiled sweetly and nodded. I wasn’t about to let him treat me like an idiot but I didn’t want to start making problems. So when the teacher came over I sat quietly listening to Mayed ask his long list of questions, imagining myself hitting him with his stupid notebook. Finally when he was done, the teacher turned to me and smiled.
“So Latifa, do you have anything to add?”
I just smiled and told him my plans.
“That’s great Latifa, exactly what you should be working on. I’m excited to see what you will bring to the group. Maybe you should help Mayed out with his questions too, he seems to have a few.”
He just winked at me and moved on to the next group. I could see Mayed staring at me with his mouth hanging open.
I just ignored his stares and got up to leave the class, I needed to get away from him before I started laughing in his face which wasn’t a part of the “be mature” plan.
“L6eefa sme7eely shaklee I misjudged you…”
I didn’t wait to hear the end of his speech, just raised my hand and said “Mayed please just spare me the boy drama”, before I walked out of the class.