Saturday, June 13, 2009

Forever Yours 15

An agonizing two hours later Ghaith got home, he looked relieved but I could see his parents weren’t with him.
“Ubooyah is fine el7imdillah, its just he had a reaction to something he ate today, he’s spending the night at the hospital and my mum insisted she stay there with him” he said as he sat down in the living room.
“El 7imdillah 3ala salamtah but I’m afraid of what your mum will say after she saw me on the couch.” I said, dreading the conversation with her on that subject.
“Don’t worry I told my mum you were cold and pulled the blanket to warm up while you were reading” he said, he looked so tired. I’m guessing he didn’t sleep well because of the room situation.
“Sorry Ghaith a7es inee I’m such a burden to you these days” I said.
“La bel3aks Deema don’t say that wujoodech here makes everything worth it”
I had a little “Aaaaw” moment when he said that, Ghaith could be such a gentleman sometimes.
“At least now I don’t have to go shopping with my mum” he said grinning.
I narrowed my eyes and hit him gently on his arm, knowing it wouldn’t hurt him.
That night was easier to sleep since we were both exhausted, thankfully I woke up on the couch and Ghaith was still snoring in his sleep. I got dressed and I knew I had to wake him so he could go to his father, I gently prodded his shoulder but he wouldn’t wake up.
“Ghaith … Ghaith wake up”
No response.
I knew his parents would worry if he was late so I couldn’t just leave him here, I pushed his shoulder a little stronger this time but still there was no response. I sat on the corner of the bed prepared to call his mother and tell her that Ghaith was asleep when I felt an arm snake around my waist, WTH! What is he doing?
I tried to get up but he just pulled me closer and nuzzled my neck I was now laying next to him like a frozen statue.
“Good morning Deema” He said grinning.
I realized that he was just messing with me and wasn’t asleep at all.
“Ya 7mar at7arak raged” I shrieked, blushing furiously.
He was laughing hysterically, I was about to hit him when he grabbed my wrist and I used the other arm to balance myself.
Suddenly I was so close to him I could see the tiny golden flecks in his eyes, God his lashes were gorgeous.
My heart was racing and I knew at that moment that if he kissed me I wouldn’t resist. I closed my eyes and could feel his breath on my face.
“9aba7 el Khaaaair”
It was Reem’s voice but what was she doing here? it didn’t matter because the moment was ruined, I couldn’t deny I was upset, I was never more annoyed at Reem than that moment.
I rushed out of the room and found her and her baby in the living room.
“Reem Halla Sh7alech? What are you doing here?” I asked trying not to sound rude.
Ghaith followed me a few minutes later with an annoyed look on his face, I tried to hide my smile.
“Laish chee you both look like you want to kill me?” she asked pouting, with a clueless expression on her face.
It turned out Reem’s husband felt so guilty for keeping her home for the summer that he was taking her on a Europe tour for the next couple of weeks, of course knowing Reem she had a troop of nannies just to take care of her baby so she would enjoy her time.
“… anyway wain mummy and daddy?” she asked.
Ghaith was telling her about what happened when they walked into the apartment.
As soon as the family reunion started I excused myself, I had to get to class.

“Ouch!” I said as Dalal pinched me, “WTH was that for?”
“For not sealing the deal” She said.
I burst out laughing, “Maybe that was a good thing that Reem showed up”
“Don’t act all innocent with me ou ba3dain what’s stopping you from doing anything”
As if on cue my phone started ringing.
Manal Calling…
What could she want? Dalal stared at me and told me not to pick up but I knew I had to.
“Halla Manal”
“Halla bel 3roos Deema how are you 7beebty?”
“I’m fine” I said but a feeling of dread was building up in my stomach. “Intee sh7alech?”
“I’m good, I’m passing through on my way to the states and I wanted to meet up” What’s up wit all the visitors from back home, I thought to myself.
“Yeah sure, when?”
“Now if that’s good with you”
We arranged to meet up in a café and Dalal wanted to join me so she could give Manal a piece of her mind but I didn’t let her, I needed to clear the air with Manal and this was my chance.


destined love said...


Summer Fling said...

Thnx,,,bs its a really short post plz post another one bs ekoon longer much LONGER;Pp cuz i can't get enough of Deema & Ghaith

Dreamer;* said...

I hate Manal. I want to stab her. She can't just disappear out of peoples lives, and then come back again and expects to be welcomed like a queen like that! Oh, and no she isn't a queen. I am the queen;p! And Ghaaith is such a charmer.. he has this gravitational force that just attracts me to him! We're like two opposite magnets, I'm the positive one and he's the negative one (because negative is always sexier). And we just attract. Funny and pathetic, aren't I? :P

Unknown said...

O_o manal elshrera is back! Sho teba!bthb7ha lool
Aah<3 ghaaith xD
3ajeeb this post :D

M76;** said...


KWA;* said...

waiiiiiiiii3 i hate manal!! malee 5ilg'ha it8ithnee!!

plz post soon

agool can u read my blog? ;P

Anonymous said...


im feeling a cat fight! ;p

Emnilia said...

gaith 3jeeb! I like guys who y6afroonich when they love you!!

м ♥ said...

<3 Ghaith

No comment by now waitting for the action to begin XD

wed-locked said...

shit i hope the 7MARa manal isn't plannin on ruinin the MarRiagE!! =_=

saks said...

Love it .. Just love it! ..
hehe i love all the romance in the story, beautiful ;-)
Keep posting 4 ur devoted readers (,")